My Team Cadences displays a list of all active team cadences assigned to a user. To access My Team Cadences, click on the dropdown at the top of the Cadence Utilities panel and select My Team Cadences.
If you have Team Cadences assigned, you will see a list of all the Team Cadences assigned to you.
Auto Assigned
If your Team Cadence has auto-assigned turned on, this means you will be automatically assigned a touchpoint from the Cadence. Touchpoints will automatically appear under the Cadence in Open Touchpoints.
Manually Assigned
If your Team Cadence does not have auto-assign enabled, you will have to manually assign yourself a touchpoint by clicking on the + icon. Once you’ve clicked on the + icon to assign yourself a touchpoint, the touchpoint will appear under the Cadence in My Cadences.
Enrollment Caps
Depending on your Team Cadence and Global Enrollment caps, you may receive a notification that you have reached your enrollment cap and you cannot be assigned anymore touchpoints. This is only apparent if your Team Cadence is a manually assigned Cadence. Continue working through the touchpoints that you already have assigned to you, and then assign yourself additional touchpoints as needed.
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