Launching a Campaign
To launch a Campaign, just click the name of the Campaign. When launched, the Campaign will present the first available record and the Salesforce page for that record will also be displayed. The names of all the Campaigns will be replaced by the name of the active Campaign.
- Click the green phone in Conquer Voice to place a call to your prospect.
- Click the green arrow to move to the next record in the Campaign without calling the current record.
- Click the red X to end the Campaign and return to the main Campaign menu.
If you do not see the Campaign you believe you should be assigned to in the dialer, please reach out to your manager to ensure you have been assigned to the correct Campaign.
Note: Some users might choose to use click 2 dial from the Salesforce record instead of the green phone button in Conquer Voice. Be aware that in this case the call may be incorrectly logged.
Preview Auto
Some Campaigns may be set to “Preview Auto” rather than the default setting, Preview Manual. If a Campaign is set to Preview Auto, you'll see a countdown timer below the record's name and number. The amount of time is configured at your account level. When the counter reaches zero, the prospect will be dialed automatically. The length of the countdown between records is configured by your administrator.
Un-dialable Numbers
Campaigns can also be configured to present records with un-dialable numbers. Clicking Dial on a record with a bad number will display a message that the number is un-dialable. You’ll be presented with the Dispo Without Dial option so you can still select a Disposition, which lets you track your activities and take advantage of all the post-call automation. Disposition without Dialing is covered in the next section.
Calls dispositioned on records with invalid numbers will note that no call was placed.
Disposition Without Dialing
Some organizations enable the ability to disposition a record in a Campaign without dialing first. If your organization has this enabled, when a Campaign presents a record, you'll see the record presented with a "Dispo Without Dial" button. If you click that button, it will bring up the Dispositions. If you decide to call after all, click the "Cancel and Call" button will return you to the ready state.
Calls placed without dialing will note “No call was placed” in the Comments section of the logged activity.
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