Whether you need to bring an additional person into your conversation or transfer the call to another resource while you are on an active call, adding a call via Click to Dial, Quick Dial, or Dial Pad makes this possible on Conquer Voice.
Adding A Call Via Click to Dial
Before you can use Add Call, you will need to Connect Conquer Voice to Computer Audio or Call Me and connect a call.
- Connect to an active call.
- Place call on hold and select the Add Call button.
- Now you can find a contact in your CRM and Click to Dial the phone number, use a pre-configured Quick Dial or manually dial with Dial Pad built into Conquer Voice.
- The added call will begin dialing and after it connects, you now have a 3 way call.
Note: If you do not see Dial Pad as an option, please contact Conquer Support to check if your org has this feature enabled for use.
With the added call connected, you can merge the calls or disconnect the first or second line.
Call Controls
Once you have two open calls, all call controls (e.g., Merge Calls, Leave Merged Call, etc.) function as you're used to when adding a call via the existing Quick Dial group. However, because these calls are both treated as "lead" legs, keep in mind that you need to link and disposition each call separately.
The currently selected call will have a blue box around it. When you select a Disposition, it will be applied to the selected call. As both calls will always need a Disposition, we recommend creating specific Dispositions to correspond to different use cases. To assist with this, when asking for this feature to be enabled for your org, your CSM will discuss best practices for implementation, training and reporting. We'll now go over a few of the most common use cases for this feature.
Adding a Colleague to a Client Call
Quick Dial: Using Quick Dial to add a colleague requires the colleague to have a user license in your CRM. They will appear here if they have an assigned extension or if they have been added to the DSQuickDial Public Group by an administrator.
Click to Dial: However, you can call a colleague at any given phone number listed in your CRM (typically, on their contact record). To do so, simply place the client on hold, locate your colleague's record, and click the phone number to dial:
As outlined above, merge the calls, introduce your client to your colleague, and complete the conversation:
When the conversation is complete, link the call representing your colleague to the Client's record:
For the Client call, select the Disposition appropriate to the outcome of the call. For the Colleague call, select a Disposition designated by your process for conference calls:
Both calls will appear in the Activity History on the Client's record:
Calling the Colleague First
Quick Dial: Calling your colleague first is not available using the Quick Dial Group.
Click to Dial: If you know in advance that you'll need to have a colleague on the line from the outset, you can call them first. Once your colleague is on the line, place them on hold and call your client, following the same basic steps outlined above.
Introducing Two Clients
Current Functionality (Quick Dial): Calling two leads is not available using the Quick Dial Group.
New Functionality (Click to Dial): You can use the same tool to introduce two clients to each other (e.g., referral, best practice discussion, etc.). Once you are on the call with the first client, place them on hold and call the second client:
Once you reach the second client, you can merge the calls, introduce the two clients, and leave the merged call:
After leaving the merged call, Disposition each client's call as appropriate:
There are a wide variety of applications for this functionality. The exact steps and Dispositions to use vary based on your organization's processes. To learn how best to integrate this into your businesss process, contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss it together.
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