For Conquer Voice users, here are some tips and tricks to keep everything dialing as smoothly as possible when using a Cell Phone with our Call Me feature.
If the use of a land line or a VoIP phone with strong internet is possible, this will typically yield the best experience. However, if you are using your cell phone to connect, here is a list of best practices that we have compiled.
We've received an increase in reports of the following issues from clients who recently transitioned to working from home and have been using their cell phones to connect. These issues have been reported by different clients in different regions, and the troubleshooting tips suggested in each section have been reported back by several users to improve their experience.
Session Not Connecting
If the Conquer panel changes to "Connected" but your phone never rang, this typically means that your phone sent the connection call directly to voicemail without giving you the option to answer it first. Try the items below to get things working again.
Add a contact
First, try adding our Call Me number to your phone's contacts, This number will cary by state. A full breakdown of these numbers can be found here: Call Me Numbers. This will prevent the call from being detected as spam due to being from an unknown number. In many cases, this will be sufficient to prevent the issue. You will also want to check if our Call Me number is showing blocked on your cell phone. This will also cause issues when trying to connect to the dialer.
If your connection issues persist after adding our Call Me number as a contact, some clients have noticed an improvement after disabling HD Voice and Video Call in Advanced Settings.
Check Cell Phone Settings
You will also want to check your phone for a "Do Not Disturb" or "Silence Unknown Callers" setting as this can send the call to voicemail. If the call is sent to voicemail your dialer will show connected but you will not get any audio from your calls.
If using an iPhone, here are some guides to help locate these options:
Silence Unknown Callers
Do Not Disturb
If using an Android, here are some guides to help locate these options:
SPAM Blocking Apps
It is possible the Conquer number is being blocked by a SPAM blocking app. Each of the 3 major carriers (AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile) all have their own SPAM blocking apps. These apps do not get downloaded by default but we have seen instances where the app is affecting the phone without being downloaded to the phone. If you have checked all the other steps above and your phone will still not receive a call from Conquer you will want to download your carriers app and check to see if there are any blocks happening there. Here is each carriers app:
AT&T: Active Armor
Verizon: Call Filter
T-Mobile: Scam Shield
This list does not include any other 3rd party SPAM blocking apps that may be downloaded to a cell phone, only the carriers official apps. If any other 3rd party apps have been downloaded you will want to check these as well to make sure there are no blocks in place.
Other Items to Check
Wi-Fi connection
Another troubleshooting step is to try resetting your router to see if your Wi-Fi is potentially causing the issue. If your Wi-Fi signal is weak, it can cause issues with connecting to your phone when using Wi-Fi calling.
Sessions Dropping Unexpectedly
Cell carriers are also being more stringent about ending "dead air" calls. So, if you connect to Conquer Voice and are on mute with no music enabled, it can appear as if no one is on that call and it may be ended by your cell phone carrier. To help with this, if you typically do not listen to music between calls, try selecting a radio station. This will prevent the call from being terminated due to silence.
In addition, many cell carriers will automatically terminate the call at the 4 hour or 8 hour mark, with the general understanding that most calls don't last that long - they're not set up with a long session in mind. If you have observed this happening to you, be mindful of the amount of time you are spending on a session and consider starting a new session as you approach the 4 hour mark.
Clients Cannot Hear
If you can hear your clients but they cannot hear you, please submit a bug report to us using the Report Issue button (). When describing your issue, let us know that you are using a cell phone and who your provider is (AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, etc.). Also you will want to try restarting this device as many times this simple step helps resolve the issue!
Poor Quality Audio when Using a Headset
If you notice audio distortion, echo, or low volume when using a headset, the first step to take when troubleshooting is to try making a few calls without the headset. While you don't want to hold your phone up to your face for a whole day, making a few test calls will allow you to determine if the issue is with your phone connection or with the headset itself.
Wi-Fi Calling
If you have the option to enable Wi-Fi calling, this allows your call to go over the internet rather than the increasingly strained cellular network. Essentially, your cell phone will act as a VoIP phone. If you are unsure how to do this here are some guides:
Resetting Connection
If you haven't rebooted your phone recently and/or updated your carrier settings (personally, I reboot mine about once a month under normal circumstances), try both of these. This will reset the connection to your nearby cell towers and can improve the strength and reliability of your connection.
Headset Recommendations
In general, wired headsets tend to provide better quality audio at the cost of mobility. For a Bluetooth headset, we recommend making sure that no other Bluetooth devices are paired with your phone, and that your headset is not paired to multiple devices simultaneously, to ensure the best wireless connection between your phone and headset. Also, make sure that your headset is only connected to one device at a time.
Anything Else
If your issue isn't listed here, or if you have a question and haven't been able to find the answer on CONQUER Support, send us a report using the Report Issue button. We are here to help!
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