At the top of the Agent Status screen, you'll see a color-coded summary of the current status of all online agents. The full bar represents all agents currently online, with the segments and their relative size representing their respective states:
- Idle: agents who are connected to Conquer Voice, but are currently not in a call;
- Wrap Up: agents who are not in a call and have calls to disposition;
- On Call: agents who are currently on the phone;
Misc: everything that doesn't fit the previous three categories.
•Ringing: agents who are calling someone who hasn't picked up the phone yet.
•Inbound-Locked: Agents being offered an inbound call.
Directly below that, it shows each agent currently online and the statistics associated with their current dialing session:
- Campaign Name: the name of the Conquer Voice Campaign the agent is currently connected to;
Agent Name: the name of the agent;
- Agent Group: the name of the group the agent belongs to;
- Session Start: the agent’s session start time;
Session Duration: length of the agent’s session;
- Not Ready Reason: the reason that the agent is not Inbound Ready;
State: the state the agent is currently in (e.g., Idle, Wrap-up, etc.);
State time: how long the agent has been in that state;
- Total Calls: total calls made this session.
Go to current record. If the agent is not currently on a call, this icon will gray out. | |
Monitor. You will be able to hear the agent, but they won't be able to hear you. | |
Whisper. The agent will be able to hear you, but the prospect won't. | |
Hangup. End the agent's dialing session. |
To monitor or whisper to an agent, you must first be connected to Conquer Voice. You can only monitor or whisper if the agent is on an active call. To stop monitoring or whispering without disconnecting from Conquer Voice, press the # key on your phone.
You can filter the Agent Status screen by nearly every category. Type a user's name, a Campaign name, an Agent Status or more into the Search box to narrow your results automatically.
You can also filter your agents by Agent Group. Just start typing in the name of the Agent Group(s) you want to filter by and select the names as they appear from the auto-fill dropdown. Each selected Agent Group will display separately.
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