Caller IDs, Regional ID, and Return Numbers can get a little complicated in Conquer Voice. There are a few places where the settings can be configured. So, here's a short summary of how to use each of these features correctly.
To edit a Caller ID or Return Number, simply click into the value you wish to edit in the Agent List, type the new value, and press Enter to save. Note that Agents can modify their own Endpoint via the User Settings Menu, but Caller ID and Return Number can only be modified through the Agent List, so Agents will need a system administrator to configure those values for them.
Conquer Voice Caller IDs and Return Numbers must both be formatted in the same way: with no punctuation or special characters: e.g., 8009280392
Punctuation or special characters in the Return Number may interfere with the Regional ID number displaying correctly to prospects and will also cause callbacks to ring back to a busy signal.
As of August 2022, North America caller IDs no longer require a leading 1. Any newly entered Caller IDs with a leading 1 will have that removed on the back end for consistency. If you experience issues with your outbound Caller ID, re-entering their Caller ID in the Agent List should resolve it. Users outside of North America still require a + in front of their Caller ID with country code.
If Regional ID is not enabled
Regional ID only works for North America telephony networks. This feature should not be enabled or used if calls are being made outside of the US or Canada. If Regional ID is used outside of North America, it won't work. The user's caller ID will be presented as though they were not trying to use it.
Default Account Caller ID
The Account Caller ID is the Caller ID that will display to prospects if no other Caller ID is assigned. It is set in the Account Management menu. Punctuation doesn't need to be added, the number will automatically format when the "Update" button is clicked:
The default value for the Account Caller ID is a string of all 9's that acts as a placeholder - everyone is encouraged to update their Account Caller ID during installation.
Agent Caller ID for Click-to-Dial and Queues
When calling through a Queue, or while using Click-to-Dial (C2D), Agent Caller ID will be displayed to the prospect. Callbacks will be directed to this phone number normally, no special routing is performed. The Agent Caller ID must be configured in the Agent List section. "C2D" will display as "False" in the Agent List if Regional ID is not enabled for Click-to-Dial:
If no Agent Caller ID is configured, the prospect will see the Account Default Caller ID. Callbacks will be directed to that phone number normally, no special routing is performed.
If a Campaign Caller ID (Display Number) is assigned, it will be displayed to the prospect. Callbacks will be directed to that phone number normally, no special routing is performed. These Caller IDs are set in the "Caller ID Setup" of DS Management:
Note: Caller IDs should include the country code and no additional formatting, as pictured above. Adding formatting can cause the Caller ID to be parsed incorrectly by carriers.
If the Campaign Caller ID is set to "Default," the Agent Caller ID will be displayed as in the C2D section:
As with C2D, if no agent Caller ID is configured, the Account Default Caller ID will be displayed to prospects.
If Regional ID is enabled
Click-to-Dial and Queues
Regional ID must be enabled for the agent by toggling the switch for Click To Dial and/or Queues. "C2D" will display as "True" in the Agent List if Regional ID is enabled for C2D for that agent.
Calls placed with Regional ID enabled will display Regional ID numbers to the prospect. Callbacks will route back to the Agent's Return Number, as configured in the Agent List.
To enable Regional ID for a Campaign, the "Regional ID Enable" checkbox must be checked and a Return Number must be entered (ensure it is correctly formatted with a leading country code and no punctuation):
Regional ID numbers will display to prospects and callbacks will route back to the Return Number defined at the Campaign level.
Note: If no return number is set at the Campaign level, callbacks will ring to a busy signal.
This should cover everything you need to know about setting up Caller IDs and Return Numbers. Remember, first set up the Account Caller ID, then set up Agent Caller IDs, followed by the Agent Return Numbers for Agents who will be using Regional ID (if applicable). If using Regional ID with Campaigns, remember your Return Number there as well.
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