Conquer Scheduler is a tool by Conquer that helps reps and service agents schedule meetings with prospects, while allowing prospects and customers to book meetings with sales and service teams based on their availability, all within Salesforce.
To access Scheduler, go to your Conquer app (Sales Console, Sales, etc.) where Conquer Email is enabled. Click on any Lead, Contact, or Opportunity record, and find the Conquer Email component with the Calendar Settings and Calendar Link icons.
Once you click the Calendar Settings button you can set:
Conferencing Info - Select a conferencing provider for your events.
Manual Location
Teams - If you haven't authenticated Teams, there will be a red "Invalid" message when you select "Teams". Once you have authenticated Teams, a green "Valid" message will be shown instead after you select "Teams". This option allows you to authenticate via Microsoft Teams to automatically generate meeting credentials on meetings booked through Scheduler.
Zoom - If you haven't authenticated Zoom, there will be a red "Invalid" message when you select "Zoom". Once you have authenticated Zoom, a green "Valid" message will be shown instead after you select "Zoom". This option allows you to authenticate via Zoom to automatically generate meeting credentials on meetings booked through Scheduler. When you logout of Email with Conquer, it will also log you out of Zoom and you'll need to re-authenticate your Zoom credentials.
Manual Location
Event Info - Enter the details for your scheduled event:
- Event Title - Provide a name for your event. Your event refers to your scheduled meeting, i.e. Conquer Meeting with Tom or Conquer Cadence Demo.
- Event Location - Add a video conference link or physical address.
- Event Duration - The length in time (in minutes or hours) of the event - how long would you like available slots to be? i.e. prospects and customers can book a 30 minute or 60 minute meeting with you.
- Min. Booking Notice - Specifies the minimum number of minutes (or hours) between now and the soonest bookable meeting. i.e. If you always want to have at least 45 minutes notice prior to a meeting being booked, use 45 as the minimum number of minutes.
- Min. Buffer - Specifies the minimum number of minutes (or hours) between two consecutive booked meetings. You may want to have at least 10 minutes between booked meetings to finish up previous meeting notes, run to the bathroom, grab more water, etc.
Expires After Days - The event will expire after the specified amount of days. If the prospect/customer does not accept this meeting invitation, it has a duration of time.
- The current maximum number of days that can be entered here is 1000
- If you do not want the link to ever expire, enter a value of 0
- Company Name - Displays the Company Name in the Schedule Page title: "Book a meeting with {Company Name}. The default value for the company name for users who do not have a value set is "me," so users without a company name set will show "Book a meeting with me."
Open Hours - Set the Event timezone and available hours for the scheduled event. Your invitees will see your availability in their local timezone. You can add multiple time blocks.
- Click on the “Add another time block” button to specify additional availability
- Make sure your calendar availability is up-to-date prior to setting the Calendar Settings
- Event Link - Write the link text that will display in the body of your email.
- Persistent Link - A persistent link can be used at any time and sent to multiple prospects, so it is an ideal option for busy reps who want to put Scheduler directly in their email signature. Meetings scheduled via the persistent link will log the meeting against the Contact or Lead in Salesforce that has the guest's email address. If multiple records contain the same email address, we will first prioritize Contacts over Leads, then the most recently updated record of the same object type. At this time, only Contacts and Leads are supported.
Event Profiles
You can define and manage multiple sets of schedule settings for different scenarios within Conquer Scheduler. For example, one link for guests to book a 30-minute meeting and another link for guests to book a 60-minute meeting. These sets will appear as tabs in the Conferencing Info section of Scheduler.
1 comment
It seems that there is a technical side to this where permission needs to be granted in order for 365 and Conquer to communicate with each other. Where is this set up documentation?
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