View Cadence
In order to view a Cadence in read-only mode, click the View button.
Edit Cadence
In order to edit a Cadence, from the Cadences list in Cadence Management, navigate to the Cadence that you want to edit.
Click the Edit icon.
In order to avoid negatively impacting reporting, the editing function is intentionally limited. While editing a user can:
• Add steps to the end of the cadence
• Change the Instructions of a step
• Change the wait times of steps or decision points
• Change the email templates on an email step
• Change the Business Hours
• Change assigned flows on both a step and cadence level
• Change decision point conditions
• Change the Cadence in “Move to Cadence” nodes
• Change an email node to automated or manual
Note: Changes made to the cadence will only affect touchpoints that were created after the change was made, existing touchpoints will use the previous settings on the step configuration (cadence level changes affect both)
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