I tried to dial a Call List/Campaign and Conquer displayed an error message: “No available numbers to dial.”
- It's a really common issue that the Call List/Campaign has already been called through. Verify that there are still untouched records in your Call List/Campaign. Otherwise, the Call List/Campaign is unavailable to be called on until the Call List/Campaign has refreshed.
- Check with your admin/manager if your Call List/Campaign “Calling Start/End Times” are set appropriately? Conquer calculates the record’s local time based on area code. This means that records will only be available to dial when their local time is within the Call List/Campaign’s start/stop times.
- Check with your admin/manager if the Call List/Campaign you are calling have Preserve Report Order setting enabled? When a record is skipped in a Campaign with Preserve Report Order enabled, it will not be eligible to dial within the same Campaign until the Skip Recycle Time (set by your admin) expires.
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