Dispositions can be found in Denali Workspace > Voice > Dispositions.
Create Disposition
In order to create a new disposition click Create Disposition.
You will then see a list of options to configure.
Name - Name of the disposition, this field is required.
Help Text - Optional, allows you to create a tooltip that will display to users when they hover over the Disposition
Require notes - Pops up the notes box when an agent dispositions a call.
Stay on current campaign record after disposition - As described, this feature is intended for Dispositions where the user may want to attempt another phone number on the record before moving on to the next record.
Allow disposition without linking record - As described. By default, Dispositions require the call to be linked to a record. When this box is checked, the Disposition will also be available on unlinked calls. Recommended for situations like an inbound caller who has a wrong number.
Redirect URL - Optional, allows you to set a URL that will open in a new window for the user when the Disposition is selected.
DNC Time - The amount of Do Not Call time in hours applied to the record by the disposition.
When you have done configuring the settings, click Save in the top right corner.
Dispositions Table
Dispositions you have created will be added to the list of dispositions where you can see the following:
Name - Name of the disposition.
Sort Order - Shows in which order dispositions will show up in Conquer Voice phone. To change the sort order, simply click on the Edit Order button and drag the dispositions into the correct order.
Created At - Shows the time when the disposition was created.
Last Updated - Shows the time the disposition was last updated.
Actions - Clicking the Edit(pencil icon) allows you to edit the options that were first configured during the creation of the disposition. Clicking Delete(trash can icon) allows you to delete the disposition.
All headers can be used to sort the dispositions simply by clicking on them. Dispositions can also be added to a Disposition Group.
Note: Change the name of a disposition should only occur after hours to avoid impacting users currently on calls.
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