Conquer Voice can be used to make outbound calls and to receive incoming calls if your organization has enabled the inbound feature. If you are expecting to receive inbound calls, but are not, this article can help you to identify where the weak link is in the chain. Please make sure the items listed below are all taken care of.
Conquer Voice Is Loaded
First thing to look at would be to make sure that you have an Active WebSocket Connection. For that make sure to have a tab with the Conquer Voice Panel open. Otherwise, your phone state will change to Inbound Locked and you will not receive any inbound phone call.
Inbound Ready Is On
Make sure you are Inbound Ready. If you are not Inbound Ready, you won't be able to receive inbound calls. For example, if you are in a queue and fail to respond to a presented call by either answering or declining it, you will receive a strike. If you receive enough strikes as defined by your admin, Inbound Ready will be turned off automatically.
All Completed Calls Are Dispositioned
You may have reached Max Lines, meaning that you must Disposition your previous calls before you can make or receive a new call. If your organization has Call Waiting enabled, you may have up to two calls to Disposition at any given time.
You Are At The Top Of Your Queue
You position in a queue is determined by the Idle Timer Profile your org has chosen. As a general rule of thumb, the agent with the longest idle time will always be first in line to get a call from a call queue. However, your Queue Position may change based on the availability of other agents in the same queue. For example, if someone who was ahead of you in line becomes unavailable, you will take their place in the queue, but if they become available again it will appear as if you were bumped down in the queue.
You Haven't Hit Your Call Cap
If your organization uses Call Flows then another thing to consider is Call Caps. Admins and managers have the ability to set a cap on how many calls an agent can receive per day for a given Queue Group. If you have hit the cap, other agents who have not hit their cap will be prioritized over you.
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