Good afternoon, Conquer users. This evening at 6pm Pacific Time, Conquer Engineering will be performing infrastructure updates to support both the Voice and Cadence systems. There will be no downtime and no user impact is anticipated. However, as always, if you see anything unusual or experience any issues, please submit a bug report and Support will engage Engineering appropriately. Thanks and have a great evening!
Update 10/25 6:09am Pacific: Some users are reporting a need to re-authorize in order to continue using Conquer Cadence or Conquer Workspace. Simply clicking the button to 'Login with Salesforce' will complete the authorization. No further steps are needed. Additionally, we are hearing reports of the CRM Query feature not performing reliably. Our development resources are actively looking into the issue.
Update 6:33am Pacific: Conquer Engineering has deployed and tested a fix to the issue preventing CRM Query from performing reliably. The issue is confirmed resolved. A Root Cause Analysis will be added once it is received from Engineering.
At 6:25pm PDT on October 24th Conquer Engineering rolled an update which touched several key infrastructure components. This update was specifically to improve the way Conquer hosts shared code (code which is used to connect Conquer microservices). This update will bring greater reliability one services which share code. This update was extensively tested in our Staging environment due to its wide range of impact.
On October 25th 5:40am PDT, an error was thrown in the Conquer monitoring for Inbound Call Flows, impacting flows that incorporated a CRM Query step. Subsequent testing by Conquer Engineering revealed a flaw in the test path that was taken during the testing stage. At 5:50am Conquer Engineering patched the issue, then retested. At 6:25am PDT the issue was fully resolved. The test path has been updated to account for this case on all subsequent testing.
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